Mr. Saturn and Starman preparation

Things that you will need:
Fleece, or some other fabric, in the necessary colors. Try to get cloth that doesn't fray at the edges. Cloth is usually sold in bolts of 1 meter or more in width and you choose how much length you want. 20cm should be plenty for each color.
Thread in the necessary colors. All-purpose thread should do; try not to get stuff that's too thick or delicate.
Sharp scissors.
Sewing pins. They will make your life easier.
Sewing needles. Don't use ones that are too thick
Stuffing. Or, if you are cheap, you can spare the expense by using scraps of cloth (but you'll need a lot). Stuffing is often sold in large bags so you might not want to go out and buy some. Or you can dissect an old toy or pillow for their fluffy innards.
A ribbon for Mr. Saturn.
Wires for Mr. Saturn's hair and whisker. You'll want to consider the stiffness of the wires and whether or not they'll poke your eye out before select one to use. Please read through the tutorial first to get a feel for what you need.
Wire cutters and pliers if you're working with wires.
Optional stuff:
Sewing machine. If you know how to use one and what parts are appropriate for using it, then be my guest.
Needle threader. Ham-handed gamers might have a problem threading a needle, but this nifty tool makes the job easy. You first push the wire part of the threader through the needle's eye, and then take one end of your string and thread it through the loop of wire. Then you pull the threader back through the eye of the needle, and it will take the string through the eye.
Eyes for Mr. Saturn. If you are lucky enough to have nice doll eyes for Mr. Saturn, you can use those. Or buttons. But you can just use a scrap of black fabric and have it work well enough.
Black fabric paint. If you don't feel like sewing on the black portions of each plushie, you can simply draw them on.
Beads/seeds/rice/sand for Starman's feet. I like my Starman's feet to have a bit of weight so I stuff it with something heavier than stuffing. If you do it right, it can even stand by itself!
The patterns
I've provided the sewing patterns here in .JPG form. It's recommended that you resize the image and print it out to your desired size. For reference as to how I prefer it, the Mr. Saturn 'nose' circle is about 7 inches in diameter and the Starman's 'feet' pieces are 1.5 inches across the shortest length. The solid lines you cut along and the dotted lines (if they are there) provide suggestions as to where the some of the pieces are supposed to be sewn. The color of each piece and how many you should cut are also provided. There may be a few pieces missing from the pattern but I will explain how to deal with them in the tutorial.
Note: Do not cut any cloth pieces at this point as some are optional and some require special cutting. Read through the instructions first.
Also note: The patterns and instructions in these tutorials do not exactly reflect what is seen in the example photographs. That's because the photos taken were of the plushies as I was experimenting with them, and so some things look a bit crude and and inefficient. Therefore, please use the photos as a general guide, not as something to compare your progress with exactly.
Onto Mr. Saturn tutorial!
Onto Starman tutorial!!
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