One day out of the blue, I decided to buy an Ocarina of Time replica ocarina from Songbird Ocarinas. It's something I've always wanted ever since seeing those Songbird ads in the old Nintendo Power magazines. Not knowing much about music and even less about ocarinas, I eventually discovered that 7-hole ocarinas are a bit of a novelty; 6-hole and 12-hole are much more common. As such, there are disappointingly few 7-hole resources out there.

Well that sucks! So I'm going to make my own resources! And I might as well share them too. Go ahead and use whatever's here for your own enjoyment. And forgive me any mistakes; I'm sure as heck not a trained musician.

Helping me collect music is Jarrett F. Anything transcribed by him will be credited accordingly.

Unfortunately, I won't be including Zelda songs here. If you want them, you should buy Songbird Ocarina's Zelda songbooks.

Here, have a scale.

And have a blank music sheet. Feel free to print it out and use it to write down your own music.

7-Hole Ocarina Blank Music Sheet

7-Hole Ocarina Songs

Mother/Earthbound Music

Earthbound-Because I Love You
Earthbound-Winters White
Mother-Bein' Friends
Mother-Eight Melodies
Mother 3-Love Theme/Name These Children

Other Video Games

Animal Crossing-K.K. Bubblegum
Animal Crossing-Steep Hill
Chrono Trigger-Corridors of Time
Chrono Trigger-Peaceful Days
Final Fantasy-Fanfare
Final Fantasy 6-Terra's Theme
Pokemon-Pokemon Center
Secret of Mana-Pure Night
Secret of Mana-Spirit of the Night
Stardew Valley-Grandpa's Theme
Super Metroid-Lower Norfair
Super Metroid-Maridia
Ninja Gaiden-Vow of Revenge(Minibosses arrangement)
Tetris-Type A
Undertale-Once Upon A Time
Yoshi's Island-Flower Garden

Movie and TV Music

Aladdin-A Whole New World
Princess Mononoke-Nobody Knows Your Heart
Record of Lodess War-Adesso e Fortuna
Record of Lodess War-Kiseki no Umi
Totoro-My Neighbor Totoro

Folk & Traditional Songs

Auld Lang Syne
Deck the Halls
Feliz Navidad
Frere Jacques
Happy Birthday
Itsy Bitsy Spider
Jingle Bells
Kumbaya, My Lord
Oh Christmas Tree/ Oh Tennenbaum
Silent Night
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
You Are My Sunshine

12-Hole Ocarina Songs

Fast forward a few years, and now I got a 12-hole ocarina! The music I transcribe will be collected here too. Enjoy!

Here, have a scale.

And have a blank music sheet. Feel free to print it out and use it to write down your own music.

12 Hole Ocarina Blank Music Sheet


Pokemon Anime Theme


Super Metroid-Maridia