If anything, that episode with the burnt pant leg solidified Pokey's compulsion to keep his Roasty a secret from not just his parents, but from everyone. Behind his house, right against the fireplace bricks, he built a dog house out of metal and leftover insulation he salvaged from a construction site. Hidden behind bushes, the dog house provided Roasty with the warm, dry home she required. Turns out she hated cold and was terrified of water. The first and only time Pokey attempted to give her a bath, she yelped in pain and so much of her soot came off in the tub that Pokey was afraid she was melting.

For almost a year Pokey kept his little secret, which did not stay little for long. Fed with food that Pokey dropped from his bedroom window, Roasty grew to be higher than her master's shoulders when she's standing on all fours. Pokey had to renovate her dog house twice to accommodate her increasing size. He was afraid that ropes or even chains would soon be unable to hold her, but he eventually discovered that keeping her tied up was unnecessary. She was surprisingly obedient and intelligent, never running away, and always keeping herself hidden from strangers. There were times when Pokey would swear that she could read his mind.

Which was why, when she finally did run away, Pokey was so hurt and confused.

This was a time of change for the boy, his town, and the entire world. A meteor from the future had struck the planet, setting in motion the destinies of many, the evil, the weak and the brave. Although Pokey didn't understand it at the time, he too was under the influence of Giygas. And so he prepared to leave home for the first time.

Everything was ready. His clothes packed, his tickets purchased, his parents avoided. Pokey made his way to the back of his house and called for Roasty again and again but she was nowhere to be found. These days, pets were running away and animals were going wild. Was she among them? There was always a small voice in the back of Pokey's head that told him he did not deserve Roasty; that nothing so perfect was meant for him. He was always afraid the voice would ring true. Heartbroken, the boy abandoned everything he had ever known and went to face his destiny alone.

Several weeks passed. On Christmas day, as Pokey was about to literally travel to the past, he reflected on his personal past. How, one year ago, he was so desparate to be good in hopes of getting a wonderful present. He chuckled to himself. He's a different person now. Older, wiser, wanting a bigger piece of the world. No way is he getting a present this year, not when he has aligned himself with the forces of evil.

Anyways, he doesn't want a new present. He wants his old one back.

This was when he heard footsteps behind him. "Who's there!?" Pokey growled, turning around quickly. No one else was supposed to be in this desolate cave. The footsteps quickened with the sound of his voice and out of the darkness a dog-like shape emerged.

"Roasty?" Pokey breathed, hardly believing his own eyes. But when the animal emerged fully into the light, it glimmered like an aggerration of stars. This was hardly the lump of coal that Pokey loved, yet he was mesmerized by its beauty. He stood completely unafraid as the unfamiliar creature approached him. Echoes of last year. How could he be so certain that he wouldn't be harmed when it seemed to be made out of glistening teeth and claws?

The animal rushed towards Pokey at a breakneck speed and knocked him over. Other than having the wind knocked out of him, he was unhurt. He just sat there, dumbstruck, as the dog licked his face as if determined to lick it off.

"Roasty?" Pokey repeated. The dog, his dog, whimpered and wagged her whole hindquarters, quivering with glee. "Roasty!" He hugged her neck which was now transparent and solid like a diamond. "Roasty! You're beautiful!" He didn't understand what happened to her, but he didn't question it, just as he didn't question why a lump of coal, the basest of all Christmas presents, turned into the best thing a boy could wish for. All that he cared about was that she was here with him again.

For a moment, the boy and his dog sat together, staring at the yawning darkness of the cave that led to both their past and their future. If Pokey had any doubts, if he feared anything that his destiny held, it was swept away by the surge of joy in his heart. There was no more need to hesitate.

"C'mon, girl." He said, standing up. Roasted glanced at Pokey expectantly. She will go wherever he goes. Together they disappeared into the darkness.
